What isn’t clear to us is how the MaxCapacity setting works. Great article, we’ve loved the Recycle Bin feature with our redirected folders but always wondered if we could protect any network file and this article shows some interesting ideas. There doesn't seem to be any unexpected effects, I suppose reg add just fails silently One minor thing: Since I haven't created an equivalent logoff script to remove these registry entries, what I don't know is what happens on logins after the first one. This seems to work perfectly (on Win 7 clients), so thankyou for a brilliant solution. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions\ /v NukeOnDelete /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f You should modify the file to fit your needs: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 reg file will protect a mapped X: drive with a ~50GB recycle bin. I then fiddled with the values in the key until I narrowed it down to the minimum number needed to make the recycle bin work. So I looked at the list of existing "known folders"Īnd created a key that was similar to the Documents key.

So, I reasoned that if I could create my own custom "known folder," I could add that to the list of folders that were protected by the Recycle Bin and protect any mapped network drive I wanted. The registry also contains a list of "known folders" at this location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions.The keys contain the configuration information for each protected folder, and are named to match the GUIDs for "Known Folders." A list of the Knownįolder to GUID mappings is available in one of the links above. Under this key are separate keys for each redirected folder that is protected by the Recycle Bin.Windows Vista and later store the configuration settings for the Recycle Bin for redirected user profile folders in this registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BitBucket\KnownFolder.This is what I've learned (or think I've learned - I might be wrong): I've only tested in Windows 8, and my testing is limited. The standard disclaimer applies - this might break stuff. You might want to take a look at these forum topics for additional information: Today I figured out a better way to achieve the same goal that doesn't rely on user profile folder redirection, and am sharing that information for other users to try out. I shared this information on another forum here: This was a huge find for me, and I used this feature to add Recycle Bin coverage to some of

A few years ago I discovered how redirected user profile folders in Windows get Recycle Bin protection, even when the folders are redirected to a network location.