Also, the FO3 iron sights mod is brilliant, but coming back from FNV, I had this weird feeling that iron sights in FO3 doesn't work out so well. Fallout: New Vegas is a post-apocalyptic role-playing video game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks.While New Vegas is not a direct sequel, it uses the same engine and style as Fallout 3, and many of its developers worked on previous Fallout games at Black Isle Studios.It is the fourth major installment in the Fallout series and the sixth overall. This mod adds luminescent dot iron sights to the weapon for enhanced aiming and accuracy. Holding aim and going to first person, I can see that the actual crosshair is higher than the ironsight. so after playing so much red dead 2 i am absolutely in love with the way scoped guns work. EVE - Problems with Ironsights - posted in New Vegas Mod Troubleshooting: When using only Laser weapons, or weapons with holographic sights, such as the laser rifle and laser pistol (only two weapons having issues with) the ironsights are actually sightly lower than where they should be. To install, go to the mod's download page. Extremely impressive and worth checking out. 7:04am Iron sights problem? Found a laser pistol mesh with nice iron sights sitting around on my computer (thanks to Madcat221), decided to make it work with GRA. Sold by: Chet at the Goodsprings General Store. Keep your eyes firmly in a body with the Enhanced Camera mod, which gives you a physical body you can actually see working, and won’t ever pull you out of it.

posted in New Vegas Mod Requests: Could someone please make a Aim Toggle mod.